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MMC issues when creating Datum System


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I deal with semirigid casings. When I check a diameter using Indepency Principle, I use most of the times the computation method GG -gaussian- and if I apply a True Pos tolerance it does work fine, this is, the bonus tolerance is calculated using the average size.

The problem is when I create a Datum System using MMC. The computation method is calculated always using the minimum clearance even if the diameter was computed using Gaussian fit ... is it a possibility to create a Datum System using gaussian diameter ??

thanks in advance


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Hello Oscar,

it is possible to create a datum system with the computation method "geometry" in the creation parameters instead of GD&T. This will create the datum system with the elements as you created them, e.g. gaussian fit. However, this is not following the rules in the ISO or ASME standards and does not work with MMC.



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