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Features/Characteristics Stay Highlighted?


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On our Contura when Selecting Features and Characteristics at the machine each feature and or characteristic stays highlighted until you open a single feature and then close it out. Unable to use CTRL/SHIFT to select multiple features. This has been occurring (a constant) since I began working on the machine in DEC 2024. I was hoping our software upgrade to 2024 would have corrected the issue but it did not.  Has anyone ever ran into this and can give  some advice on how to correct this?  Photo uploaded to show  multiple highlighted features.

Feature Highlighting Error.JPG

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Zeiss Application Support helped me out its actually a setting: "Regarding the highlighting of multiple features, please navigate to View > Configuration > Touch settings then change the setting for “hold down ctrl key” and see if that clears up the issue." Works fine now! So glad! that was getting annoying!

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