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How to display results in message dialog?


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I want to display a result to operator in a message box, starting from a simple example:

-- A distance is calculated from some elements

-- A variable (e.g. total_dis) is created to capture the actual value (e.g. 25)

-- How can I display this value in a simple message dialog as "Total distance: 25" ? Obviously the 25 will change when scan different parts.

There're only a few options as output widget when I build a message box and I tried "continuous text" but it won't allow me to access any element related info. in the project. Is there any special Python script to handle this?



Xpert3D Metrology

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You have several possibilities to do such a thing. Here some suggestions:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import gom

my_value = 25.0

# brak dialog using number widget
DIALOG=gom.script.sys.create_user_defined_dialog (content='<dialog>' \
' <title>My message 1</title>' \
' <style></style>' \
' <control id="OkCancel"/>' \
' <position></position>' \
' <embedding></embedding>' \
' <sizemode></sizemode>' \
' <size width="198" height="112"/>' \
' <content rows="1" columns="2">' \
'  <widget type="label" column="0" rowspan="1" row="0" columnspan="1">' \
'   <name>label</name>' \
'   <tooltip></tooltip>' \
'   <text>My value</text>' \
'   <word_wrap>false</word_wrap>' \
'  </widget>' \
'  <widget type="input::number" column="1" rowspan="1" row="0" columnspan="1">' \
'   <name>value_widget</name>' \
'   <tooltip></tooltip>' \
'   <value>0</value>' \
'   <minimum>0</minimum>' \
'   <maximum>1000</maximum>' \
'   <precision>2</precision>' \
'   <background_style></background_style>' \
'  </widget>' \
' </content>' \
DIALOG.value_widget.value = my_value
DIALOG.label.enabled = False
DIALOG.value_widget.enabled = False
gom.script.sys.show_user_defined_dialog (dialog=DIALOG)

# break message using text
RESULT=gom.script.sys.execute_user_defined_dialog (content='<dialog>' \
' <title>Message</title>' \
' <style></style>' \
' <control id="OkCancel"/>' \
' <position>automatic</position>' \
' <embedding>always_toplevel</embedding>' \
' <sizemode>automatic</sizemode>' \
' <size width="198" height="118"/>' \
' <content rows="1" columns="1">' \
'  <widget type="display::text" column="0" rowspan="1" row="0" columnspan="1">' \
'   <name>text</name>' \
'   <tooltip></tooltip>' \
'   <text>' \
'&lt;html>&lt;head>&lt;/head>&lt;body>' \
'&lt;p>My value is: {my_placeholder:1.2f}&lt;/p>&lt;/body>&lt;/html></text>' \
'   <wordwrap>false</wordwrap>' \
'  </widget>' \
' </content>' \
'</dialog>'.format (my_placeholder = my_value))

# updating message using text
my_text = '<html><head></head><body><p>My value is: {my_placeholder:1.2f}</p></body></html>'
DIALOG=gom.script.sys.create_user_defined_dialog (content='<dialog>' \
' <title>Message</title>' \
' <style></style>' \
' <control id="OkCancel"/>' \
' <position>automatic</position>' \
' <embedding>always_toplevel</embedding>' \
' <sizemode>automatic</sizemode>' \
' <size width="198" height="155"/>' \
' <content rows="1" columns="1">' \
'  <widget type="display::text" column="0" rowspan="1" row="0" columnspan="1">' \
'   <name>text</name>' \
'   <tooltip></tooltip>' \
'   <text></text>' \
'   <wordwrap>false</wordwrap>' \
'  </widget>' \
' </content>' \
gom.script.sys.open_user_defined_dialog (dialog=DIALOG)
for i in range (5):
	DIALOG.text.text = my_text.format (my_placeholder = my_value + i)
	gom.script.sys.delay_script (time=1)
gom.script.sys.close_user_defined_dialog (dialog=DIALOG)

For more information about user defined script dialogs and their data and event handling please have a look at:


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Both work very well, thanks a lot. I do prefer 2nd method and I realize that the key is using ".format (my_placeholder = my_value)" to apply the derived value but looks like this needs to be added manually after the dialog created, correct?  Because I tried to edit command on it but it gave me an error on that line. Can you explain a little bit more on how to generate this method?

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You are right. Usually you can create these dialogs with the dialog wizard. But there you can only enter static content. The dialog creation wizard creates a command with a "content" parameter. This "content" parameter gets a python string, containing the dialog definition in XML format. So I just manipulated this XML-description string by standard python string formatting (see https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/inputoutput.html#the-string-format-method for more information). But this "breaks" the default XML-string and the dialog creation wizard can not analyze/evaluate this string anymore.

So to get a more stable approach by manipulating not the initial dialog definition XML-string but the created DIALOG python object, I recommend to use a combination of the 1st and 3rd approach like this:


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import gom

my_value = 25.0

# break message using text
DIALOG=gom.script.sys.create_user_defined_dialog (content='<dialog>' \
' <title>Message</title>' \
' <style></style>' \
' <control id="OkCancel"/>' \
' <position>automatic</position>' \
' <embedding>always_toplevel</embedding>' \
' <sizemode>automatic</sizemode>' \
' <size width="198" height="155"/>' \
' <content rows="1" columns="1">' \
'  <widget type="display::text" column="0" rowspan="1" row="0" columnspan="1">' \
'   <name>text</name>' \
'   <tooltip></tooltip>' \
'   <text></text>' \
'   <wordwrap>false</wordwrap>' \
'  </widget>' \
' </content>' \
my_text = '<html><head></head><body><p>My value is: {my_placeholder:1.2f}</p></body></html>'
DIALOG.text.text = my_text.format (my_placeholder = my_value)
gom.script.sys.show_user_defined_dialog (dialog=DIALOG)


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