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Used of Adapters as a measuring principle


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Good day, I need help with how to create and use adapters. I operate the scanbox and some of the program I run have adapter element which are used to create alignment, however, whenever the software fails to extract the adapter, I cannot edit or re-construct the adapter element.

Please, does anyone has resources or links to videos on the use of adapter.


Thank you.

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Hello Nur,

You can find descriptions about adapters in Tech-Guide.

For example, crating borehole adapters: https://techguide.gom.com/en/gom-software-2022/article/cmd_adapter_create_fit_bore_adapter_definition.html

Description of measuring principle "Adapter..." -> https://techguide.gom.com/en/gom-software-2022/article/cmd_inspection_measure_by_any_adapter.html

To be able to use an adapter in a project, you have to import the adapter template in Acquisition/Acquisition parameters LMB click to Adapters.

Kind regards,


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Check if enough photogrammetry positions is looking at the stickers/adapters, 2 or 3 positions, need to see the stickers.

We had a stickers as alignment on the edge of the fixture, this was often not visible, because not enough position looking at the sticker, we needed to move the robot further away from the fixture.

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