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How to construct an "if" sentence in user defined inspection


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during a mechanical test, we exported the force using two analog channels with different scaling, for example F_fine: 10V=1000N and F_coarse: 10V=100000N.
I would like to generate a user defined inspection F_combined that gives as an output F_fine when F_coarse<900N and F_coarse when F_coarse>=900N.

For tha I would need a conditional sentence. I saw that "if", "then" and "else" are being recognized, since they appear green, but I am not able to form a correct sentence.

Thank you in advance for the help.

Best Regards,

Luciano Avila Gray

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Hello Luciano,

the syntax is like in python. We have a free elearning on it in the training center. Chapter 3 is dealing with conditional sentences:


The code is also sensitive to indents. So if you are sure that the text is correct maybe check the indent. You can also post your code here using the <> symbol in the reply form.



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Hello Nanno,

thank you very much for the fast reply.

I have tried that but I still get an error: "A scalar result is expected..."

The code you can see in the screeshot:

if A.actual_value>10000 :

Am I missing something?

Thank you very much!





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Ok, I got it


if K.actual_value>19500:


Thank you very much!

Best Regards,



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