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Tolerance tables in Gom inspect


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Hello readers


Is it possible to buy other tolerance tables from GOM. Now standards other than those already included in the software have to be purchased and entered manually by creating new tables.


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buying other tolerance tables directly from GOM is not possible. But of course we like to hear which standards you are missing. So please left a short note (or contact your local GOM partner if you prefer a private discussion) about the standards that you are missing. We will create a feature request afterwards and discuss if we can introducing these standards in a future software version.


Best regards

Christoph Schult

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  • 4 months later...

Dear Mr. Schult,

the french NFT 58.000 would be very helpful:


Is it possible to add tolerance tables myself in GOM 2021? This would save me a lot of typing work for drawings using this NFT 58-000.

Thanks in advance

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Dear Mr. Kollmann,


of course adding your own tolerance table is possible as well. Please use "Inspection->Create tolerance table" as a starting point. If you need further help please be free to contact your local GOM contact to get additional help. 


Hope this helps

Best regards


Christoph Schult

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