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Measure distance of plane


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I have a mesh that is aligned to my CAD model using surface points and an RPS alignment. My deviation is .0003. I have created auto features on my CAD and applied fitting elements. I also created nominal datum system. I created an auto plane on a planar surface that i would like to measure the average distance back to my nominal datum system. Theoretically the plane is parallel to the zy plane of my nominal datum system 

Question: what is the accepted method(s) used to measure the average x distance of the planar surface from my nominal datum system?  I am looking to report the average distance. I was thinking I could create a bunch of points on the surface and some how report the average x position of those points.

I reported the x coordinate of several points, that lie on my plane. How can I create and report the average value of the points. Do I need to create a User-Defined Check? if so, where can I find syntax to input in the "actual expression cell"



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it really depends which evaluation you like to see!!! One possible approach could be:

  • Restore the point selection of your actual fitting plane on the mesh
  • Call Inspection -> Deviation to geometry
    • As target element you can choose the (actual) plane of your datum system
  • Enable the label for the Surface deviation element: 'Results-Overview'

But again: It depends what you like to visualize and which "construction" steps are necessary  to show the information you like to present.

Hope this helps?!



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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks for the response. I ended up creating a USER-DEFINED Check on my Plane. With this I entered my parameters and I created an expression that calculated an average of a few points.


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of course, your approach is valid if you are fine with the fact that you restrict your result to some discrete points instead of using "all" measured information.

Kind regards,



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