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Overwriting Issues


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Hello all,


I'm struggling with this situation and I can't find the problem

Every time that I change any program that I have the program doesn't overwrite the existing saved file he makes me create a new save file

I saw that the software was opening the program on (read only) I change that on the properties before I open the program but when I'm going to save the alteration he ask me again to create a new save because he can not overwrite the existing one 

Is this some option that is active in definitions???

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Hell Diogo,

is this an old project opened in a newer version? Overwriting is disabled in this case, because you can only open old projects in a newer version but not the other way round. You have to save it with the newer version and open this project with the newer version again to overwrite it.


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Hello Nanno

Thank you for the help I'll check if this situation only happens with the old programs and I'll tested the new that I create to see if this occur  

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