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Dynamic Profile Tolerance Modifier


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I do not see it anywhere. Hope I don't encounter that one.

Anyone, unaware of what this is, it is a upwards pointing triangle symbol in the profile callout that says when you use no datums for a profile callout it removes the size constraint and only focuses on form. So if you had a square hole with basic dimensions of 10mm and a profile callout with no datums and a tolerance of 1mm, the square hole must be 9.5mm-10.5mm at all cross sections. Using the dynamic modifier you still use the 1mm tolerance zone, but the square hole could be only 5mm and still pass as long as all cross sections stay within this tolerance band this smaller square hole.

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From my understanding, this is the same as the "offset zone (OZ)" modifier defined in the ISO GPS standards. This is not supported in the currently available version of the software, but will come with the 2023 version.

We will have to add the ASME conform display, though.

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