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editing table through scripting


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Hello all,

I am trying to create a custom table for specific needs and I need to use both statistics calculations in GOM and some other info from my script and I need to write the info to the specific columns & rows.

When I try to edit the cell through scripting, it also changes the values of other elements in  the same column  if element-type is the same.

Is there a way to edit each cell independent from the element-type ?  

Furthermore, is there a way to  import the custom table(.csv) to the GOM software only  for creating a report page? 

Many thanks,


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maybe an extra column with the dynamic keyword "comment" would work? The comment can be defined for each element separately (properties). The same should work with element keywords. Importing a CSV to the report is not possible as far as I know. You could import it as an image though.


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Hello Nanno,

Many thanks for the quick response. I tried with both comment and element keywords. Comments work just the way I want but for element keywords part, I could not be able to view the defined keywords at the same time in the table.

I have one more question, is it possible to get the value of the cell directly from the table through scripting by defining column and row id?




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Its not possible to interrogate the table by code. What are you ultimately looking to do? Theres likely different approaches 

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Hello James,

Probably, creating a table template will be much more useful for me without editing with the code.

Let's say I  created  a desired layout and inserted a custom formulation, is there anything I need to do to make sure that it works in every project template and make custom formulations work for every element-type properly?



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Hello James,

I have one more question. Is it possible to write conditions in edit expression window?



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