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Difference between an extensometer and 2-point distance for calculating crack width


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Hello there, I am quite new to the software and am working with GOM to measure the crack width. I tried both methods:- using an extensometer and measuring the distance with the 2-point distance method and I have seen that the results are quite the same. I wanted to ask if there is a difference between them and which option produces the best results

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Hi kleo,

The extensometer function gives you better control over the original length and orientation of the distance measurement, and does not require a surface component to already be computed in the project. The extensometer places down its own facet points and you can adjust the facets independently of any surface components that are in the project. The 2-point distance requires the points to be placed on an existing component, like a surface or point component. Both points are manually defined, so their positions can be arbitrary.

The end result is largely the same between the two methods, it's just a different method of creating the points used for the inspection. Hope this is helpful for you.

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