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Inspection/Photogrametry/Scanbox manuals?


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Hello, I'm trying to find different manuals to show the system to the people here in the company but I just cant find them anywhere, I just looked in Operations manuals in myGOM but got no results, I know you can find some info in the Get Started option in the software but this just does not work for me since I cant install the software in all the computers,

Could you please tell me where I can find the manuals?



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Here a link to the ZEISS Quality Tech Guide (gom.com) Introduction tos and How Tos can be accessed. 
ZEISS Quality Suite is not necessary for accessing the Tech Guide. The same counts for the Training Center Home (gom.com),
where free eLearnings as of the GOM Inspect are available. - note both requires a registration.
If there is more interest in products I'd refere to the homepage, social media channels that are linked below or your sales contact.


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