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Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility on 30 meshes


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We are required to do Gage RR studies for all our new programs.

What they did before I was hired was do 30 individual reports which took 1 hr. Then they manually copied and pasted the pdf data into excel which took 30 minutes.

I wrote a python program that combines all 30 pdfs and extracts them to csv and creates a nice custom Gage RR excel file. That eliminated the copying and pasting of data from the pdfs.

I'd like to speed up the report process. Can we drag and drop 30 meshes into GOM and somehow have it run all the prealignments and dimensional analysis and kick out a long CSV file with all 30 meshes dimensions?  If we can do this I can make this process even better. I am asking b/c I reviewed my old notes on GOM when I learned a year ago and realized we can do STAGES:




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Hi Tim,

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This is what the stage project does. The same Alignments, checks etc. are carried out for each stage with its individual mesh. 

Afterwards you could export the data as a table for stages. The table could be edited to show different columns for example:


Or you could use file -> export -> stage data -> CSV.


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