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Accessing "Related Elements" via Script Editor


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Hi, Is there anyway to .get('Related_elements')? 
ie. lets say I have a Local Coordinate System with a few dependent elements.  Is there a way to access those related elements in the script editor?
I've searched through all the keywords and wasnt able to come up with much.
Some Pictures Below to help clarify:


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you can get a list of the currently shown content with something like this:

for x in gom.ElementSelection({'category': ['key', 'related']}):
	print (x.name)

Maybe this helps?


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That's exactly what I'm looking for !!  & seems to work perfect if I have the element selected in the explorer.
but in a normal script/program I'm not going to have that element 'selected'. 

can I pass a specific element into that gom.ElementSelection function? 

eg. I'm trying to find all nominal sections related to coordinate system 'LCS'


I tried to print( gom.ElementSelection.__doc__ ) but it returned None =(

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Unfortunately, that is currently not possible. The wish to do that is recorded in our internal ticket system, but I cannot tell you if and when it will be implemented.

However, you can use this command to explicitly select an element via scripting:





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