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Creating Elements with surface points


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Is it possible to create elements with pre created surface points?

I would like to make a plane and circles with points to mimic the CMM measurement. 



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If I understood you correct you try to create a fitting element from some surface points? This can achieve if select all points in the explorer, use the right mouse button and choose "select all points of element" in the context menue. Afterwards you can use these points creating some fitting elements (e.g, planes, cylinder, circles etc.).


Otherwise please drop some more information what you try to achieve,

Best regards

Christoph Schult

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I tried this for a few features a long time ago as I come from PCDMIS, but I used a different strategy. I may try this discussed strategy for a test.

What I did previously was open the CAD in Solidworks and create small diameter cuts in the surface using the Split Line feature....this gives you a small circle cutout on a face and I typically made 5-6 of them to simulate vector points on a plane. This takes time and understanding how to use Solidworks though.

I may try this again using both my method and the simpler method discussed above here.  


We have ridiculous small tolerances that because we capture a lot more surface than the CMM we get more failed parts. It forces us to a higher standard, but when you get zero tolerance on an MMC position of a 110deg arc cylinder callout and max bonus of .002" things become extremely challenging.  If I remember this didn't help me though.

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