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Getting a distance from the intersection of a Cone and Cylinder


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I cannot get repeatable results on the below part distance using 3 intersection points then creating a circle. Creating 3 points and a circle improved my results, but I still am not happy with the output.

I'd like to be able to intersect a cone and a cylinder and use that to get the distance. The problem is it looks like the only feature  your can create from a cylinder and cone intersection is a 'curve'.  Then I cannot figure out how to get an average 'point' or centroid point so that I can measure a point to plane distance.

Is there a way I can accomplish my goal of using the cone - cylinder intersection and somehow create a point from this intersection? Or somehow get a distance from the intersection to a plane?




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Hello Tim,

you can create a fitting circle from the curve by  RMB -> select all points of element on the intersection curve (MP referenced construction).

If you are interested in the distance in every point of the curve you could use a deviation to geometry for example ZEISS Quality Tech Guide (gom.com) (actual element has to be selected in this case)



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Awesome, thanks...i need these types of workarounds bc even though a plane-cone interesection creates an ellipse and in this case a cylinder-cone creates a 3d curve I still need these to average out to something I can use for a distance.  PCDMIS bassically uses a centroid of hits. This will do something similar for me.

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Your suggestion worked great thank you very much. 

This doesn't matter much for us, but I wanted to ask why you can create a 'circle' from a 'curve' in this example.....but if you intersect an ellipse from a cone and a plane you cannot create a circle from that....this doesn't affect us b/c our max/min ellipse diameters have extremely tight variance, but I was wondering why you can create a circle from an intersection 'curve' but not and intersection 'ellipse'



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Hi Tim,

a fitting element like a circle in this case needs a point selection for its creation. A section or intersection curve qualifies for this but an ellipse is already a fitted element, which is treated like a point. You could create a "curve from 2D element" from the ellipse though and use this for the creation of the fitting circle.


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