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A l B(M) l C(M) Datum System


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Hello to everyone,

I will check the size of the hole in the picture below.

Elements created for reference.




1-When MMC is activated in hole B, it gives the error in the picture.
2-The MMC option of the C slot hole is inactive.



How can I create an A l B(M) l C(M) Datum system?


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Unfortunately, datum system under material requirement for slotted or rectangular holes is not supported at the moment. Of course we have already noted it for the feature wish list, but we cannot say to which version will will implement it.

Therefore your datum system cannot be inspect using our software (at least in the moment). Maybe an inspection without material requirement is a good enough approach? Maybe you should discuss it with your customer/constructor if you can find a good workaround.

Sorry for the bad news.

Best regards

Christoph Schult

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