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How to simultaneously compare multiple meshes against the original CAD


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Hello, GOM community! I'm a new user and wanted to find out if it is possible to do the following

  1. Import a CAD body, which will be the basis for the comparison
  2. Import a mesh of the 3D printed part to compare against the CAD body
  3. Import a 2nd mesh of another 3D printed part to also compare against the CAD body
  4. Import a 3rd mesh of another part to compare

When I import the additional meshes, I'm finding that I cannot perform an accurate local best fit on each imported mesh; the software seems to only allow for a local best fit on one mesh at a time.

My ultimate goal is to simultaneously compare the accuracy of the outputs from different 3D printers against the original CAD in one GOM project. Is this possible?

Thank you in advance for your thoughts and consideration!


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this is possible with the professional version of our software. You can create a trend project and compare each mesh against the CAD and you can even create a small statistic if you choose 'Deviation on CAD'. You can also visualize the differences between the actual meshes against each other.



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