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Export Section data on ARAMIS Professional 2016


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I have a measuring project with a section showing the strains along a line, created via construct->section->single section. It is displayed in the diagram, I can export the data for one stage, one inspection value manually via file->export->geometry->ascii (.csv does not work). Some questions remain:

- How can I export the data of a section for all stages as a .csv or .asc?

- How can I get the column headers since there are some columns I don't know what they are?

- Seems like the horizontal axis is flipped, why is that?

- What I would like to have is "index id coordinateX coordinateY coordinateZ strainX strainY", how can I get such an export?



Plane X +0.000 mm.epsXY.ascVV1.pdf

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I don't know about 2016, but in 2020 (with all your section inspections highlighted), you can go file -> Export -> Stage Data -> CSV...

From there, you can specify if you want to export all stages, and if you want to do it in one big file or one file per stage.

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thanks for the reply. Unfortunately this seems not to work in 2016, the error messsage is:

   "Error MCADImport-011:

   There is no valid element selected in the explorer.

   Error in stages (stage 280): Please select exportable elements.

   This export format does not support element "Plane X +0.000 mm"

If I go to "Export Diagram Contents" (I can actually see the section data in the diagram), the error message is

   "Cannot export inspection data and curve data together."

See attached screenshots, am I highlighting the wrong thing or am I constructing the section the wrong way? I feel this should be possible but I don't get it.

Thanks for your help




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