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Automatic by CAD & number of exposures


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We have always used Automatic by CAD option when manually programming in our scanbox. After our software upgrade, Ive noticed this option is always producing three exposures per shot which is dragging down our runtimes. 

What setting can changed so three exposures isnt the default?  Is it the option 'rendundacy' in the acquisition template? 

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Hi Brad , 

You cannot effect the number of exposures generated by automatic by CAD.

If nothing else has changed in your setup apart from software version , then i wouod detail which you were using and what you are using now.

I havent used the digitising side of the software for a couple of years now , but in my experience the auto by CAD wasnt that stable unless you had very well controlled circumstances with larger objects that filled most of the capture window on each shot.

What can happen is that the area that is trying to use is capturing too much background, say of the table and pushing the exposure.

I never found using auto anything would give the best result    The smart teach (that is controlled by redundancy that you mention)  is a fantastic tool , but it wont get you 100 percent right first time...its just a very quick way to get a 80-95 perecnt starter for 10 , depending on the application 

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