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Trial version of Inspect - Cannot get it to work


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I believe I followed every step to get the trial version of the Inspect Optical 3D tool.

I got these messages and options since I completed the installation process, registration and key request. I could not get Inspect to start.

I since tried to uninstall the Inspect program with the typical process to start from fresh, without success.

I then just deleted the Zeiss Inspect folder, but it did not change anything, I still get the same options and messages.

When I press the "Install" button, I keep getting the message saying that it is already installed, although it is nowhere to be found on my machine.

Can you please help?

Thank you



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Hello Eric,

please try to delete the folder unter C:\program files from the software and also the folder in the registry (Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\GOM\2023). This might be a reason for the warning. If this does not help your contact should be "Xpert3D Metrology Ltd.". 



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