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Visualisation issue primary datum in GOM inspect Suite 2020


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my name is Samkit and I am learning GOM Inspect. I am good in G D and T and want to define a primary datum using fitting element option, I selected all the planes (6 in number) which are basically the assembly positions. All these planes are lying on same plane but at different area. After creating the Primary Datum A, when I visualize it I can see the Datum is not lying on the 6 assembly plane area but it is bit tilted which I guess should not be the case. Is it because I am using Inspect Suite and not professional? which have some accuracy issues? Any comment is appreciable. Thanks

Kind Regards


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depending on you actual data it can be that a slightly tilted datum is the correct solution according to ISO 5459. In short in your case a chebyshev outside plane has to be computed and it can that using this tilt angle allows to compute a plane with a smaller difference between the datum and the actual data as it would a parallel plane. But this is not an error but in full accordance to the ISO standards.


Nevertheless there is no difference in accuracy between the free and the professional version. Of course there are missing features (e.g. active parametrics, scripting, trend analysis and more), but nothing like smaller accuracy. 


Best regards

Christoph Schult

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