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Warpage Compensation for Additive Manufacturing


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I had a chance to participate in Capture 3D Webinar about 3D Measurement Technology and benefits for Additive Manufacturing.

One of the topics that were covered was: Warpage Compensation, which really impressed me and I'm definitely see many possible usages for it in my area (Additive Manufacturing).

I understand that this is a new feature that is being developed, but I'm wondering if it would be possible to share some additional information about it or maybe participate in/contribute to beta development.


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Hello Alexey, 


Indeed, this is a feature that is being developed at the moment as an expansion of the GOM Virtual Clamping software module.

Since you attended a webinar with Capture 3D, I am assuming that you are in the USA?

The best way to make such a request would be to contact your local GOM Partner.

If you would like, let us know where you are located and we can put you in contact with them.


Best regards,


Juan Uribe

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Thank you Juan for your reply. I'm located in Draper city, Utah, USA. Please put me in contact with my local GOM Partner.

Kind regards,




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Hello Alexey,


Please reach out to support@capture3D.com.

They will be able to put you in contact with the right people.




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