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Managing Storage Space


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Hi everyone. Currently our process is to save each part we scan as .ginspect file and each of these come out to be around 3-5GB each! 

What are some of our options to help with saving storage and also what is best practice for your applications? 

Should i be saving .stl mesh only after scan and then dragging that STL into already programmed template to do my reporting? 

Thank you in advance!

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To add to this - would i then have to go through every .ginspect file and open-export-save as .stl then delete .ginspect file? 


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Hi , i was going to say the same as andreas.  Reduce project size is a very handy function if you have all of your reports in your template .

The likely large file size is most often linked to it containing the raw measurement data/images.  Reduce project size strips these.

The nice thing is that its scriptable so could go through files and resave them without you doing it manually .

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Thank you guys so much! So after the reduction - we would lose raw measurement data/images. Would that hinder our ability to go back to file say a few months later and recalculate the project if say something needed checked on previous parts?  Could i add a new dimension to templates/report and still be able to get the data from these reduced scans? Would i still have troubleshooting abilities such as adjusting projected offsets while fixing datum sets? 


Thank you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Would it be better to save parts as mesh .stl files only instead of a whole .ginspect file?

Later we can throw the .stl file into whatever updated template... when needed?

Instead of every part being saved as mesh and template/reports... just save as .stl then drag and drop .stl into template when needed? 


Thank you!

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Hi chris .  There is no real difference in saving the stl vs project.  You can work with either to regenerate reports and evaluate historical data. As you say stls can be added to templates.

The only real reason to keep a raw project with all data is in dev stages or problem solving where something doesnt capture properly or something goes wrong.


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