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Is there a way to export all the points X, Y coordinates from a point cloud


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I created a section but and then was able to restore the selection and use a discrete point cloud with all these nice points.  Is there a way to export the nominal xy coordinates and the real xy coordinates?  I played with the F2 stuff but couldn't come up with extracting the coordinates from each individual point with python.




point cloud.jpg

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here's a loop to access all points of actual section.
Replace "Name of section" with the name of your section.

for i in range(gom.app.project.actual_elements['Name of section'].num_points):
	point = gom.app.project.actual_elements['Name of section'].coordinate[i]

This refers to actual section, replace "actual_elements" with "inspection" to access nominal section.
Inside the coordinate element you have the xyz coordinate that you can access as easily as point.x point.y point.z

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Thanks, I'll check that out. I'm using the script for now, I may need to implement this easier for my co-workers in the future.  We are actually using the CT results to analyze the performance of each of our cnc machines and toolpath strategies on some key features.  Getting these point cloud points really helped.  Thanks again.

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