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Export report in csv


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Hi guys,

I have a question when i want to export a report in csv.

i have multiple surface points and those points i want to see deviation y differents alignments, or linked  to differents coordinates system.


when i create a table and export it, all the points are in the same alingment.

i create a differents system coordinates to assing each point to the each alingment but i have a question about measurement principle to do it.


is it possible export “ pdf” report y csv? Like in polyworks?

could you help me with that problem?

could you say me what is the best way to do that?


thanks in advance


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When you create a report page it will use what ever is your current coordinate system is for the creation of that page. After you create all of your report pages with  your different coordinate system go to "FILE->EXPORT->REPORT->INSPECTION->CSV.


This will export the report page data as a csv and the values will be tied to the coordinate system use when creating that report page. In the exported csv file you will be able to see what coordinate system is tied to the values exported. If you have points that are in two different report pages that are using different coordinate systems then you will have two lines of data, 1 from each report pages with the results from each coordinate system used.

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Thanks for the reply Jayson.

i am trying this and now i have another question about that…

is it possible customize the colums of this csv?

i see a lot of colums that are not important for me .

for example i want to see, nominal and actual value, tolerance and deviation only.


thank you very much!!

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