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Exporting stl file


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I have a part that needs scanned, and then the part mesh to be sent via stl file. 

How can I export an stl file without polygonizing?

How can I polygonize without CAD to align to? 

I do not have a CAD file to do alignments - and cannot polygonize mesh. 

thank you 

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Hi chris .

You cant reasonably create and thus  export an stl without polygonisation.

Can i ask why you dont want to polygonise?

There is no issue to polygonise without q cad to align to.

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Hi james,

Could you explain the process of polygonizing without a CAD to align to? It seems to try to align to something and then the scan data disappears. 



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Why does my part scan disappear after polygonizing?

I see a message that says "Cannot fill reference points. The reference radius point is not defined".


Thank you!

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What system are you scanning with?

It sounds like you are trying to scan something without reference points on it ? The alignment i think you refer to is an alignment step the software does to orient images.  If it cant orient them together then it might look like it 'disappears '. But this is actually likely that the empty mesh container is shown.   

The message you get sounds like in the polygonisation settings there is an option to fill reference points.  If you arnt using points uncheck this box.

Does this help?

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