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Issue with Grid not showing up in images as points


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We use ARGUS style photogrammetry and we are having issues with the software picking up points in radi. we can see clearly in the image the points but the software does not. can anyone provide information on this? we are using a Nikon D500 with Correlate 2023.

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  • 2 weeks later...

could you please provide some sample images and some of the settings you chose for point detection? Are Startpoints (in circumference) well? Are enough images made in the radius area? Are ellipses found (in enough images)?
Might be a bit heavy to discuss here in forum, but your local ZEISS partner might give you better and further support. 😉
Best regards,

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  • 5 weeks later...

The main thing that we are noticing is that we can see the point in the image but the computer is not registering the point. We did not know if there is a setting to allow the computer to see these points better.

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