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Distance from plane to a set diameter size of a cone


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Not sure how accurate this would be, but something worth a shot. I think methods need to be a function of your scan quality, required repeatability, and tolerance. Why create elaborate methods when the tolerance is huge.


Try creating a point on line and make it the end point of the large side of cone. Now make a 'touch point on selection' buried deep in the construct - point menu.


Populate the dialogue with the end point of cone, the cone as the direction and the radius as .115.  Then select the cone or maybe better select the surface you are trying to find the .330 diameter.  That should get you a point on the cone that you need.  The drawback here is a poor mesh could triger an early hit on the touch point that isn't true to the .330 diam.


Perhaps there is another more precise nethode, but with our scan quality I think this would work with what we do.

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Depending of your mesh quality you can give the following approach a try

1) Construct your plane and your cone (e.g. using the fitting element function)

2) Construct a circle on the cone with the given radius (you can find the needed function under construct->circle->cone-radius-circle). Because you will use the primitive cone you make a small error depending on the actual data in the given area.

3) Use these center point to compute a distance to a plane (you can find a proper distance function under construct->distance->projected point distance)


I have no idea if this approach is exact enough for you, but otherwise you have to try something like the construction above.

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Thanks for that trick. I didn't know that existed...I'm not sure if I will ever need that, but that seems like a great solution.

I think I'd prefer your method to what I suggested.

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