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Dimensions in Nominal


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Hello All,

I've been working on a project and at some stage all of the dimensions have moved from "inspection" to "nominal elements". This means they are now excluded from exports and It's causing me some issues. I can't figure out how it happened or how to revert them back to "inspection". There are approx. 13k dimensions linked to 33 alignments so I don't really want to recreate them. 

Does anyone have a fix? or solution?



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Hi Kristian,

usually you would create a distance between two nominal points for example -> this will create a nominal dimension. With measuring principle applied you will get an additional actual element derived from the actual elements.
A check on the nominal will create an inspection element (like Distance.xyz) in the explorer category "Inspection".

So without checking the nominal dimensions/nominal element there won't be an inspection element.


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