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Add-On Editor "Tree" Window Vanished?


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I'm experiencing an unusual bug in ZEISS Inspect 2023 SP2 (v2023.4.0.459) where the Add-on Editor's left side tree window has just disappeared without a trace, leaving me unable to select and edit any add-ons other than the last script I had open in the Editor. Closing and reopening the software didn't fix the issue, nor did restarting the computer. Holding the mouse over the left edge of the window shows the double arrow/bar cursor that indicates I should be able to pull the tree window back out, but nothing happens when I click it and attempt to do so. Has anyone else seen this issue and/or know how to fix it, short of uninstalling/reinstalling the software?




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UPDATE: Tried clicking the Left side of the window again and dragging the mouse excessively far to the right, and it finally snapped back out into view after several inches of cursor movement... Problem solved?

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