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Error MProbe-0039


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I want to measure diameter of an internal circle wit a touch probe and I encountered this error. I don't know what should I do differently.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


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Hello Anna,

please translate the error message.

My guess would be to measure the plane and then the circle.

Best regards.

Jens Braun

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Thank you for your reply.

Attached you will find this error in English.
I want to add points but button "Measure" is inactive and after pressing "Space" nothing happens.

Kind regards,


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Hello Ania,

just to get sure: You did a full calibration of your touch probe before measuring, right?

Normal measurement are working? There is no licence issue or similar?

Best regards,

Jens Braun

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Yes, that is correct.
Prior to this error I calibrated the touch probe and "regular" measurements are working correctly. Only the touch probe is giving an error.

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