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Batch Rename (output from cluster)


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Hi , is there an easier way to batch rename this as an example, we have copies up to 140 in a cluster but we wanted to rename output. 

example output is:

5.1 Line 28

5.1 Line 29

5.1 Line 30 

5.2 Line 28

5.2 Line 29

5.2 Line 30 

5.3 Lin 28

5.3 Line 29

5.3 Line 30

We want it to appear as :

Line 28.1

Line 28.2 

Line 28.3 

But as you can see about the output is staggered and we have to manually click each output say all 28 to group them together. We tried rename by character sequence, but we could not find a way to group all 28 together.

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I could imagine python code to deal with this if the number of characters remains consistent .

This also could be achieved in excel.  Essentially looking at characters within the string and re concatenating 

Sadly i cant easily share any code or snapshots of how to , but if you look for LEFT , MID, RIGHT and CONCATENATE commands in excel i think you will get it.

Something like.  concatenate ( mid(text,5,7), left(text,2,2))



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If you create a xlsx excel file with all the old names in column A and all the new names in column B you can use this script...you will need to somehow install the openpyxl and tkinter python modules into your gom software.


import gom
import openpyxl
from tkinter import Tk
from tkinter.filedialog import askdirectory
from tkinter import filedialog, Tk

# location of excel file
excel_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(title='Select the Excel file that contains the name changes')

# open excel file
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(excel_path)
ws = wb.active

# for loop from row 1 to last row in excel sheet
for i in range(1, ws.max_row + 1):
        old_name = ws['A' + str(i)].value # col A is old names
        new_name = ws['B' + str(i)].value # col B is new names
            # gom function called that will change the name
                character_sequences={'from': old_name, 'to': new_name},
            print(old_name + ' ----> ' + new_name + ' changed successfully!')
            if old_name == new_name:
                print(old_name + ' ----> ' + new_name + ' duplicate, not changed!')



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As mentioned before, a small python script (more information about the API can be found here: https://zeissiqs.github.io/zeiss-inspect-addon-api/) should do the job
For this particular case this would work:

for e in elements_to_rename:
	gom.script.sys.edit_properties (

Hope this helps

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If you are using ZEISS INSPECT 2023, you can go to OPERATIONS --> ELEMENTS--> Rename by expression, Rename and Number and Rename by character sequence.

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