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Curve as datum


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Datum M is a curve, unfortunately I don't have curve license. So how can i use this profile as datum.
Geometry best fit alignment??.
I created space points, for space points I sub clearance plane, but space point don't use sub clearance plane instead it directly move to the clearance plane.
Sub clearance playing will not work for the space points???.


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I would use a high density of space points all around and recall them into an (ID) circle feature
and set evaluation to Max inscribed element. That will use the inner most points to create a circle.

Looking closely. It looks like there are two smaller radii connected by a line
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With curve it would be easy 🙂

All begins how you will report line profile callout. I think you can use circles for that.
In that case it will be time consuming but you can create circle segments with pattern, then use one circle of recalled centers of R96 with locked radius.
Not sure if same would go for R82.6 and then symmetry of those two circles.

I am more interested about that bottom right symmetry 😱
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I believe that the correct answer is that you can't really create a proper datum out of this without curve option. You can create many different datum structures by measuring points on M but none of them would reliably recreate what you would get with curve.
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Without a Curve option... If "M" controls rotation, then I would definitely use Geometry Best Fit, and It may be beneficial to Loop the measurement. Looking at the Line Profile requirements, I would definitely use a high point density.
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Sub-clearance plane should work on space points. Make sure all points are adjacent to each in the features list and all have the same sub-clearance plane name, i.e. SCP +Z
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