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Measurement of multiple parts using FT&A import in GOM Professional


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could somebody from you share with me the information or link of helpful training materials, which can help me in understanding the measurement of more than parts with help of FT&A in GOM professional?

I have developed a FT&A model for a part in CATIA V5. Now my aim is to measure this part from 4 cavities of injection mold. I have the scanned parts in .stl format. Is the method as following,

1. Import 4 .stl files of scanned parts

2. Import FT&A model in GOM Professional

3. Let the software measure the inputs and give fitting elements for the inputs given in FT&A

4. The results will be shown

but how can I differentiate those results based on different parts ? can the fitting element be applied to all the .stl files in one go? Any information on this topic is highly appreciable and thank you.


Kind Regards

Samkit Mehta

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quite not sure if I understand you correctly, but you like to evaluate the same part four times measured, right? If so you should try to learn lessons about  'Trend evaluation' in the GOM Software, e.g. in our E-Learning courses or for a short overview (


Hope this helps?!



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