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Rerun feature if characteristic is OOT


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I have a customer who wants to use what they call "guard band" controls on certain characteristics. For demonstration, let's say we have a Ø6.000" ± .005" circle that needs guard banding. The customer would like to see a characteristic that looks for 6" ± .005, and a second characteristic (the guard band) that is Ø6.000 ± .0045. If the guard band is red, they want the CMM to remeasure the feature 3x and report 3 results. If the guard band is green there should be no remeasuring. Results of both chars would now be green.

I'm really looking for the very simplest solution here. Loop condition? Other suggestions?
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Hi Pat,

I would say that a condition is probably simplest. You could just put in 3 characteristics for that measurement and have them run if the first measurement was over a certain value and skip if not.

Here's a Knowledge Base example that is similar having the CMM run certain characteristics based on a result and skipping others with MMC as an example, https://portal.zeiss.com/knowledge-base?id=863300, if that helps.
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  • 1 month later...
Thank you. I'm afraid I'm still missing a lot.

The print dimension is a diameter range of 4.5298 / 4.5291. If the actual diameter measures within the truncated limits (4.52978 / 4.52912), I want just this result displayed with no additional probings. If the diameter measures anything outside of 4.52978 / 4.52912, I want the feature rechecked (new probing) three times. I want the results of all 4 probings to display on the report. Here's where I'm stuck:
- how to query the actual size measured and compare that to an acceptable range. Is there a command that checks whether a feature is OOT, or do I need to specify UL and LL in PCM directly?
-Is the query above an input condition for the remeasurement or an ouput condition of the OOT measurement?
- Can I use PCM to create the three characteristics for reprobed features when needed, or do I need those already in the plan? If I just loop the characteristic I get only one result.
- Is there a comprehensive list of commands for PCM? I find some in the online help but they're not at all searchable as I need to understand how each was categorized in order to find it. I'm aware that such a list would be huge.

I've been thrown to the wolves with a good head for inspection, but not a lot of time in Calypso. I'm the only programmer and there is no one else here that can even turn on a CMM.
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  • 2 months later...

I used conditional characteristics.  Here's one example of the condition I set.  Dwg tolerance is ±.0005, reduced tolerance is ±.00045.

1. create initial feature as normal.  Create a Char to evaluate diameter, using full dwg tolerances.

2. Create a second identical feature.  Don't recall anything; probe it again in exactly the same way.  evaluate it with a diameter char with the reduced tolerance.  Do this twice more so you have three separate but identical features; one evaluated to dwg tolerances and two evaluating against the tighter tolerance.  All need separate chars.

3. Set a condition on all tighter chars (right click char, select "condition".  In the condition window, uncheck Post Condition, paste the following parameter, and move the yes/no around until "yes" points to the char.

Parameter: abs(getActual("-B-").diameter-getNominal("-B-").diameter)>0.0009

Expected behavior: 

CMM probes -B-

Condition runs.  If B's diameter meets both tolerances, none of the other features called by these conditional chars ("Guard Band" in my screenshot) will be probed.  If B's diameter fails either or both tolerances, CMM will probe the feature again 3 times, reporting diameters for all 4 probings.

Warning limits change colors only.  They don't impart any control whatsoever.  We tried that.  There are no operators who will get it right when left alone.

Obviously, much of this can be changed to suit varying needs.

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