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GOM 2021 Suite Free License Issue


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I am have recently installed the GOM 2021 Suite Hotfix 1 (Released at: 2021-09-27 (Rev. 142421)). I am no able to login. I am getting the error that I am offline (Please see Attached 1st screen shot below). I am only able to use the Viewer but can not start new project. The connection status check is also Green. See 2nd Picture below.

I also want to mention that i am using the free version of GOM Inspect Suite 2020 without any issues. I am able to loging with my GOM ID (See 3rd Picture below).

My first quetion, is the GOM 2021 free licence same as the previous GOM 2020 free licence ?

If the answer to the first question is Yes, then can it be identified what issue(s) i am having with login on GOM Suite 2021 ?


Picture 1                                                                                                                                     


Picture 2                                                                                                                                    


Picture 3                                                                                                                                    




Thankyou in advance for your support.


Tajdar Khan  

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Hello Tajdar,

this error message is a hint, that there is some inconsistency with the authorization and the expected data. Most probably your system time is not correct.
Please update the computers system time and retry to login.

Best regards
Frank Schindler

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Hello Frank, 

Thanks for the response. I actually found the issue. I cant use the GOM software when at work or with VPN. Once on home network or when the VPN  is not in use , the software is working fine.


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