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true position options


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I am having some brain fog this morning and cant make it make sense. Can someone give me a really basic explanation over the options in true position that say "tolerates the feature as recorded center line" vs "tolerates the feature with reference lengths". I had Covid recently and the brain fog is lingering.
Not sure if this matters, but the feature in question is a cylinder with LMC applied to a primary secondary and tertiary datum. Primary is plane on bottom of part, secondary is a symmetry plane between the sides of a small tab at the far end of the part from the origin and tertiary is a cylinder at the origin that is axially perpendicular to the primary plane. The feature cylinder is axially parallel with the primary plane.
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Yes this is one where it matters ISO vs ASME as they have different requirements for a callout like this.... in that other thread there is my answer, which I've confirmed it correct, and somebody else posted a link that was a great description of the difference.
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