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Signalleuchte an O-Inspect


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hat schon einmal jemand eine Signalleuchte an einer O-INSPECT installiert?
Braucht man dazu extra einen ZEISS Techniker oder kann unsere Elektronikabteilung dies selbst erledigen?

danke Carsten
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Schwer zu sagen. Geht es um eine offizielle Signalleuchte von Zeiss oder um eine von einem Drittanbieter? Was soll die Leuchte anzeigen?

Jedenfalls gibt es auf dem Portal den kpl. E-Plan der O-Inspect zum Runterladen (knapp 100 Seiten). Ob es geht, muss dann die E-Abteilung selber entscheiden. Und es schadet wohl nicht, sich bei Zeiss zu erkundigen, falls noch irgendwelche Garantiefristen bestehen.
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Contact your local support team and they can provide assistance with enabling the light signal.

If you are in the US, you can view the KB Article:

A stack pole light is a hardware option for CALYPSO. This is a status light that is integrated into the C99 controller used to display the state of the CMM, software, and measurement results. For testing a simulated signal can also be displayed on the CALYPSO workstation.

Enabling the Stack Pole Light

To enable the stack light functionality it is necessary to both enable it, and configure it. To enable the stack light enter the CMM Workroom settings and select the light signal tab, check "Control Light Signal". Note: it is necessary to "Reconnect" the CMM controller to enable the changes. Only "Reconnect" after a properly configured LightSignal.INI file is placed in the machine configuration folder.

To configure the light signal it is necessary to modify a file called LightSignal.INI

An example file is supplied in the following folders:

CALYPSO 5.4 and lower: C:\ZEISS\CALYPSO\opt\om\config\LightSignal.INI

CALYPSO 5.6 and higher: C:\Program Files (x86)\ZEISS\CALYPSO x.x\config\equip\LightSignal.INI

A configured LightSignal.INI file must be placed in the machine folder. This will be ..\config\equip\"machine name"

For more information about the settings for the light signal please refer to the CALYPSO on-line help; search for "light signal"

Contents of the LightSignal.INI file:

R = L1
Y = L2
G = L3
B = L4
W = L5
S = L6

; Use + and - to switch on off
; Use b for special option blinking with slio16-unit !

Result_GOOD = +G
Result_BAD = +R
Result_WARN = +Y
Result_NoResult = +R+G
Result_ClearAll = -R-G-Y


1 = patlit1.mac ; Macro to be used by default or if LightSignalID = 1
;2 = patlit2.mac ; Macro to be used if LightSignalID = 2 / second LightSignal
;1 = light.mac ; Macro for Accept Enclosure


showSimulationUI = true
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