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Adaptor error.


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We have been using some 3d printed adaptors to measure car door hinge positions in GOM 6. This morning one of the adaptors was not working. When the photogrammetry was checked only 2 of 8 5mm targets had been captured. I decided to add a couple of shots to the photogrammetry but after this it recognised none of the targets (see attached image for lower hinge). The adaptor has no damage or contamination and the adaptor still appears in the project template. Are these adaptors only captured during photogrametry or can they be catpured during the scanning process?

Many thanks.

Steve Glover.


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Hello Steve,

Several reasons exist that prevent the computation of the adapters. It is hard to give any advice without analyzing your project in detail. Can you contact your local GOM support and send the project?

It is possible to scan additional reference points with the ATOS sensor. You can enable it in the reference points page of the acquisition parameters of the project. But I doubt that you get better results. The reference points are clearly visible. I assume that there is another reason why they are not captured.

Please be aware that collecting reference points with the ATOS scanner has other disadvantages. The scanner sometimes collects wrong points like reflections or other bright spots. I would not enable collecting reference points with the ATOS scanner when photogrammetry is used.


Sascha Klein

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