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Broken Stylus and Qualification


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So, this may sound like a dumb question, but I want to make sure I understand this correctly.

Scenario 1.

Operator breaks a stylus. I replace stylus with the same model # stylus of the same nominal length and run qualification.

Ok, to run program with strategy "as-is'? Or does each strategy using this stylus need to be updated.

Scenario 2

Operator breaks stylus. There is no replacement of the same length. I replace with a stylus that has same Ø ruby but is 5mm longer. Run full qualification.

I would assume that each measurement strategy using this stylus must be updated, but it would make me really happy to know that Calypso is smart enough to realize the stylus geometry is now different and compensate for it.

So, do I need to update each strategy in this Scenario?

Also, in both or either Scenario, is a "Re-Qualification" sufficient, or would it require a full qualification when this happens?
We have a VAST XXT head.

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You can run it as-is.

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Still runs without problems, no strategy update required.

Only when your stylus gets shorter, there might be problems. Still, you just need to change the strategies that are affected by the shorter length.

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Definitely a full qualification!
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This topic brought up painful memories of running an old Mitutoyo with GeoMeasure.

Does any other software handle qualifications as easily as Calypso does?
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Apologies if this is trivial or already stated but for scenario one where the stylus length is nearly identical you can simply run a re-qualification (i.e. CNC Caliper Button or Qualification Measurement Plan).

For scenario two where the length changes significantly you will want to make sure to perform a qualification using the "Qualify Stylus" button in which you will be prompted to manually touch off on the ref sphere in the direction of the stylus shaft. This way CALYPSO is made aware that the length change was significate. The re-qualification options can only account for minimal change thus a large change could cause a potential crash if not done manually the first time. After that re-qualification can again be used from then on and no program adjustments should be needed as long as the longer probe doesn't cause navigational issues else where in the program (i.e. navigating around fixtures, grooves etc.).
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To add to Charles's post, if your probe length is different (scenario 2), you could also go into Stylus System Management, and alter the appropriate Z, X or Y value, and still use the CNC qualification. For example, if the -Z stylus was a 3 x 33.5 stylus and you had to replace it with a 3 x 50, you would alter the existing Z property by -16.525.
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