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CMMObserver and alternatives for runtime tracking


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Hi all,
I have been asked if there is a way to track machine runtime on our CMMs and if so, how can I have it integrated into Ignition for data tracking purposes. After browsing the forums, it seems that there are several options to consider (CMMObserver, Smart Service Dashboard, PiWeb reporting, PCM, etc.) Ideally, we would be able to pull historical data and monitor all future program runs going forward in real time.

1. CMMObserver - It is unclear to me how often the ProgramDurationRecord XML file is being updated. Some machines are showing a modified date from several days ago, while others are within the past 24 hours (all machines have been actively running parts). Is there a specific setting that needs to be applied within each program for this data to be collected or is this file updated on some sort of interval that is set elsewhere? I cannot pin down what triggers the file update.

2. Smart Service Dashboard - Seeing how the "Free" version is limited and does not allow access to data export this may not be a viable option. Is anyone using the "Plus" version and if so, how do you like the service and what is the cost on average? Would this service need to be purchased for each machine individually?

3. We do not currently utilize PiWeb nor PCM so these would be reserved for last resorts.

Are there other alternatives that I may be missing? Thanks in advance!

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Hello, For smart service each CMM you can choose if you want free version or plus version. i will share some information on smart service, here is information video on what Zeiss Smart Service do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpvoYc3PqJs

Also here is the difference between free and plus version https://www.zeiss.com/metrology/us/serv ... vices.html

Zeiss Smart Service will be releasing a mobile app also which will make it easy to check your dashboard on your mobile app
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