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how to update dimensions after alignment before script is finished


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Dear All

I discovered i am not able to get some dimensions after alignment creation before closing my script.

Dimensions are updated only when i close the script.

I would like to do everything in one script because at the end of the script i am collecting dimensions and exporting them to my customized text file.

Below is sample picture illustrating this problem with steps description in python code.

Is it possible to some how update dimensions and geometry during script running ? Some refresh or update function ?





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Hi Adam, 

A project recalculation should do the job. Try adding this line, before you try to get the dimensions:
gom.script.sys.recalculate_project (with_reports=False)

Hope this helps,


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thanks Sergio.

Currently i work without license so i am not able to check this solution. But it looks promising. I will check and update this topic next week when i will catch the license again.



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