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Approach parameters depending on rack assignments?


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Am I correct that approach parameters are stored individually with each rack assignment?

I was wondering during the last few days why the parameters I had changed for a certain stylus holder were always reset back to default each time I came back to the CMM. Now I found out that this was due to me loading different rack assignments.

So now I have a problem. I have a few hundred assignments and I need to change the parameters for one specific holder in all the assignments. Is there any way to do this without having to open every single assignment and do the same modification hundreds of times by hand?

I already tried logging in as Master and changing the values without an assignment loaded, but that didn't do the trick.
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I don't deal with that many approach parameters and don't change them that much at that but, I've never had a problem with them changing once set.
Are you using the newer 2024 version of Calypso ?
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No, I'm still using 2023. If you would have asked two weeks ago I would have insisted that approach parameters must be independent from assignments, but is looks like they are not. If I reload an assignment where I already changed the parameters, they are restored. If I load another, they are back to default.
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I recall a long while back Mr. Norberg mentioned there may be a PCM method to get and or set these values.
Most likely undocumented PCM.
Try a search for "approach parameters".
(I should have posted the link I found).
I do not believe the topic ever came back to life to attempt the PCM method.
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Found it and will have a look into it. Thanks!
Now that I reread the old thread, I think it's possible that the thread starter may have experienced the same issue, but couldn't figure out the cause. That is, if he was using assignments too, which he didn't tell.
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Here's a first draft of how to access the approach parameters for a specific stylus holder ('A'). Note that the result it returns is a vector, so you get the X, Y and Z parameters all at once and have to extract them first. And most important: The sign is different from what you would enter in the dialog window!

// Position before change
MyVectorBF=executeCode("Zeiss.Calypso.OMTCOInternalControl current getPortPosBefore: 'A'").asVector

// Access the single coordinates (Caution: reversed sign!)
XPosBF = MyVectorBF.x
YPosBF = MyVectorBF.y
ZPosBF = MyVectorBF.z

// Same for position after change
MyVectorAF=executeCode("Zeiss.Calypso.OMTCOInternalControl current getPortPosAfter: 'A'").asVector

XPosAF = MyVectorAF.x
YPosAF = MyVectorAF.y
ZPosAF = MyVectorAF.z

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