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Compensating extra material


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Hello all,
I am struggling what do to here with a part I made a program for. My issue is we have a model of a finished product in which I used to make this one I’m having issues with, however the current state of the part I am running has extra .020 per side on my datum structure/ base alignment. When doing the profile of the part it runs fine but when it checks the holes it’s offset +.020 in the x and y. I tried offsetting the base alignment but it keeps doing the same thing, it appears the features nominal values are correct when I did so but when I manually probed a hole it’s offset +.020 in the x and y from the model. I never had an issue before with extra material not sure why I’m having one now. It’s like the circle features are not making the .020 I am imputing. Does anyone know a method to comp extra material? Should I move my base alignment to something else?

-Jeff R.
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I understand it like you have XY=0 defined by two planes?
How you are reporting coordinates for those holes?

If you are reporting by using X and Y characteristic, then it should be possible by creating new alignment with offset, then recalling needed features into new alignment, then new characteristic for X and Y.
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If you are using a CAD model, the relationship between those features come from there.

If you are using "Datums" then create a theoretical or offset plane the appropriate distance of additional stock. Use that feature as "Datum"

If the part doesn't match the CAD, you are already navigating to the incorrect position... So maybe start the alignment using a plane with "corrected" offset.
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