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Omitting info in PiWeb Report


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I am reporting true positions with "Additional Report" active to show X and Y locations. Then, I am using a Best Fit Bore Pattern position in order to have a plot of the hole positions. Unfortunately, this also includes the position results a 2nd time. Previously, I have eliminated lower tiered results on other characteristics but I don't recall the nitty gritty details. I assume I can eliminate the 4 lines shown in the red square but need some help.


Screenshot 2024-07-17 150028.jpg

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Hi Tom,
If you want to remove those 4 lines, try using this Regex in the name filter: ^[^\^]+$

If that does not work, try this regex: (?<!^[^\^]+)$
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Hi Tom,
Sorry I took so long in getting back to you on this. Things blew up on my end last week. You should enter this in the Name Filter of the PiWeb report found in the Data Provider tab. You can enter it on either PiWeb Designer or PiWeb Monitor. In order to use it in PiWeb Monitor, you need to ensure that the "Characteristic Selection in PiWeb Monitor" checkbox is selected, as the field is not present unless that option is checked.
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Hello Tom and Andy,

I hate to drop in, because everything that Andy said is correct, I just wanted to point out that the filtering is covered in the knowledge base article on getting rid of the .M characteristic (https://portal.zeiss.com/knowledge-base?id=458620). Perhaps we should have another article specifically on filtering....

Regardless, as Andy alluded to, the filtering uses regular expressions which are pretty difficult to understand sometimes. For those coming along after, I have had good luck using this site to test and debug my regular expression code: https://regex101.com/. I have had to do something similar to filter out everything but jpg files for Gear Pro reports before and that made it much easier.
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