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KMGIO.DLL error-Can't make connection


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Jeffrey I found this file on the internet and walked through it with our IT guy and we still get the same KMGIO error. I also had help from our calibration company. We made a new machine tab and renamed the config file so that it would make a new one and still go the same error. I am guessing I need to call, but we dont have SMA's on our CMM's and last I was told from the call center was for help it is required to purchase SMA. We still having network issues, but I dont know how that would affect connection. The controller screen on the joybox shows how it should.
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I don't have access to the KB, but have you tried to ping the controller?
Open CMD.exe and type ping

The CMM connection shouldn't have anything to do with the company's network issues as it is a local connection. More likely there may be a problem with the secondary network card or something like that.
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Sorry to hear this hasn't been resolved.

Direct support from the SW Help Desk Applications Engineers is a benefit of the SMA program.

Please review steps 3 - 5 from the KB again. Post your results/screenshots for each step here and I will ask an AE from my team to review. Please include your CMM Serial#
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I will have to wait until IT is back in the building, he is out sick today. On Friday he decided to grab a brand-new PC and get it ready to use at the CMM. We were able to ping the C99 controller. So, the PC does see it. I also got a suggestion to check the "hosts tables/files" I'll have him do that when he gets back from being sick. Another weird thing is that the ethernet ports on the back of the PC and on the C99 controller aren't blinking. Of the two green lights on each all we have is a solid green light.
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Not usually. You would open a command window (my usual method is Windows key+r to open the run menu,then type cmd and hit enter to open the command line). Once in the command line simply type ping and hit enter, or type ping cmm_1 and hit enter.2915_d7cbc35c013c1a7252a283a5a268470b.png
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read through that Zeiss instruction where you type an IP address and cmm_1 CMM_1 #contoler1, so on and so forth, but i was not allowed to save it in that ect folder. It did let me save it in documents so when IT is here I'll have him same it in the proper folder.
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We finally got this resolved. I had to enter lines to the host file located at C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc. The host file was missing information. Pasted below is what a host file should look like. The host file that was not allowing connection on our Prismo was missing all 8 lines below. I could not ping "cmm_1" cmm_1 CMM_1 #controler1 cmm_2 CMM_2 #controler2 cmm_3 CMM_3 #controler3 cmm_4 CMM_4 #controler4 cmmws_1 CMMWS_1 #computer1 cmmws_2 CMMWS_2 #computer2 cmmws_3 CMMWS_3 #computer3 cmmws_4 CMMWS_4 #computer4

These lines need to be in the host file.
The below is what a host file looks like on one of our CMM's that is functioning properly. I dont not know what casued the file to get corrupted. My guess is our IT security updates caused this somehow. You may not see carbonblack. It is something we use for IT security at our company.

Thank you for the help on this.

#do not edit this block, it is controlled by VMware CB EDR. sensors.plentiful-pen.my.carbonblack.io
# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# rhino.acme.com # source server
# x.acme.com # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# ::1 localhost cmm_1 CMM_1 # controler1 cmm_2 CMM_2 # controler2 cmm_3 CMM_3 # controler3 cmm_4 CMM_4 # controler4 cmmws_1 CMMWS_1 # computer1 cmmws_2 CMMWS_2 # computer2 cmmws_3 CMMWS_3 # computer3 cmmws_4 CMMWS_4 # computer4
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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 months later...
Thanks for this, it worked for me!

I'm not sure if this was related to the CrowdStrike outage, but we had a few machines that wouldn't run this morning, and this thread saved us!
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Hello Casey,

I tend to doubt this being due to that CrowdStrike issue. To my knowledge, which granted is limited, the error caused a repair boot loop (that is, it sent you to the blue screen of death). Since you didn't mention that on your computer, and I highly doubt the controller is running that software, it is probably a coincidence.

Incidentally, for anyone in this thread looking later, I do have a knowledge base article that aims to help with connection issues like these. It doesn't cover everything, and sometimes it does read like a doctoral thesis, but it does cover most of what I've learned over my years of supporting this software.


Hope this helps someone down the line.
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That's too bad. I was really hoping they were related. We had this issue with several machines the same day as the CrowdStrike issue. I guess if it's unrelated, then there may be some other problem, hopefully not with Calypso. If it were just with one seat, I wouldn't have mentioned it, but when multiple machines have the same issue...

In any case, we know how to fix it ourselves now.
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If it was the HOSTS file settings, I have seen that happen to many computers at the same time when a customer changes the domain for that computer. When that occurs, usually IT will push a new HOSTS file to all the computers involved, but doesn't take into account that some computers will have lines in the HOSTS file not relating to the domain, but it still needs to do it's job. When the process is finished, you might have any number of Calypso computers unable to connect.

I would think that if something like this occurs again, it is much more likely to be something being done by your IT than Calypso. Calypso can't really write to those files (it's the installer that does it at Calypso request when installing the software). I do believe I have seen at least one situation where IT was actively monitoring the HOSTS file and deleting out additional lines in there and stopping Calypso from working, though. It is admittedly pretty rare, though.
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