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best measurement strategy for large rad small segments


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I am new to this community and i am looking for best strategies for measuring a large radius on a small segment in a internal feature. I am using Calypso 2019 V6.8.24 the machine is OI-322. I would ideally be measuring using 1mm styles and scanning with the scanning with vast XXT. I have attached a picture with dimensions. Any advice or strategies would be appreciated.

MattH 5718_eff2b49ff43b9510130183a270d53487.jpg
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With the other feature tolerances as a guide, I would apply a profile .003" equally disposed . Reporting one as best fit(form), then one constrained by bore bottom as reference(size). This is similar to a gage diameter on a cone. You can't evaluate diameter without stopping translation..Use cad as "basics"
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