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Alignment issue


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Hello all, reaching out for some assistance with an alignment. Once aligned to the CAD model I need to do a line trace at the top and near the bottom for profile measurements to the CAD.

Object parameters:
an amorphous perimeter
a flat top
a hole for locating X and Y 0
Second hole for alignment of the +X axis...
I cant get the software to compute the alignment.
I am setting first step as top plan, and z=0 at top plane
I can set X,Y zero as the center cylinder

It does not let me choose the second cylinder to set X+ alignment. I tried making a 3d line between the 2 cylinders, i tried projecting that line to the top plane, and still nothing. Any thoughts on what I am missing?
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Doing circle on second cylinder should be enough - that's same advice as David mentioned.
I think 3D line from cylinders should work too - perhaps you made some mistakes in making it. For that use only Recall - not feature and not points
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