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RDS XXT Planner Settings


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Hi Rick,

This is one of the "magic" settings of planner. My planner is working fine with this settings.
Nevertheless, one of the real obscure things is the way how to set up the stylus. That is a little horror every time.

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I see what I forgot to do.
The second time thru I added 30 to the Y axis, it should have been doubled.
My Z is 108.1020

Thanks for the help!
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And it doesn't work...
This is on a Laptop that only had v2019 installed.
I installed v2021.
Added an RDS XXT head.
I can't get the stylus to match a point to save my life regardless of values entered.

Y axis is always off target by approx. 30mm (Best guess) and the targets are also off by approximately the radius of the MasterProbe.


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Planner and a real machine are completely different.

A real machine pulls the actual offset directly from the controller.

Planner is a simulation, so there is a nominal offset.

The offset has changed many times over the years (I don't know why).
I've had issues over the years with the offset either not getting updated correctly or not being implemented correctly.

Either way, I would create a new machine tab, and go through this process all over again. I haven't had much luck just changing the offset.

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-Zm @ 188.1020 didn't work.
I added the radius of the stylus: 2.5
That made the stylus correct in Z but X and Y are buried into the model by approximately the radius of the stylus.
prior to v2018, this wasn't an issue.
Every install is different...Why?

I've had to have Zeiss fix every install from v2018 up to the latest.


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The problem is that while there can be multiple instances of Calypso installed, there can only be one instance of SSC installed.

They have changed the MasterProbe stylus properties before.

Like I said, I've had this issue before, and the only things that have worked for me is to recreate everything. New machine tab with the latest offsets, and in addition re-create your MasterProbe buildup in your latest version of SSC.
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I have followed every instruction in this post and others I have found, not one time has anything worked.
I have no idea how many offline systems I have installed, maybe had an issue once or twice in the past 15 years or so.
Until now.
Its always off by what appears to be, half the stylus diameter.
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Hi Rick,

I have to agree to Richards tipp: Set up a complete new virtual machine. I did the same with Zeiss Service together because they also do not know what happens. So far I remember they rename the config directory to be sure that there are no side effects from previours system setup. To do that you need to stop the SQL service (SDCO) which have open some files in the config tree.

My simple Test is to enable the koordinate lines to the stylus. If the zero point is in the middle of the Stylus, everything is O.K.
Actual ( CALYPSO 7.4.08 ) I need to remove a complete stylus system created with 7.0.20 before I can add a new stylus 😱

Unfortunately, this software is more of an accident than a useful tool. And as far as I know, it is no longer being developed or repaired.

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  • 1 year later...
Another new RDS install for Planner.
And once again, the same issue.
The masterprobe stylus is half the diameter into the model (Cadcube.sat).
I have followed every known instruction to solve this issue, none of them are a fix.
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I just noticed and went back thru my notes, nearly every time this issue came up, the MasterProbe was imported with a "zero" radius.
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The MasterProbe is always imported with 0.0000 radius in Planner. It must be changed manually to the proper size for the sensor your are using.

No need to consult your notes, all the steps are laid out for you.
A quick search of the Knowledge Base would have resolved your questions:
https://portal.zeiss.com/knowledge-base?id=520919 - Planner setup
https://portal.zeiss.com/knowledge-base?id=2127111 - Common articles/how-tos
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